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Dr. Nanthalile Mugala - Zambia and Dr. Muyiwa Tegbe - United States
5 min read
Response to mental health crisis needs to start with primary health care
Primary health care (PHC) brings comprehensive health care closer to people and a PHC provider is oftentimes the first health point of...

1 min read
Increasing risk factors hurt economic growth
Better prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) could avert millions of years of lost productivity. Increasing risk factors cause...

Michael Calopietro — Denmark
4 min read
Building a GPS for doctors – the potential of learning elimination in health care
Many regions in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) struggle with a shortage of trained health workers, making it more difficult to...

Rich Bryson — United Kingdom
6 min read
Build health systems where conventional services cannot reach
Access to health services remains a key problem in rural areas and lower and middle-income countries (LMICs), where skilled health...

Andrea Chipman — United Kingdom
8 min read
Pandemic builds potential for better global health
The novel coronavirus pandemic has exposed the fault lines in both global and national health infrastructures, highlighting inequalities...

Ben Hirschler - United Kingdom
11 min read
The hidden health crisis
A decade of initiatives to combat non-communicable diseases have failed to curb their growth. Policymakers need a more comprehensive...

Andrea Chipman — United Kingdom
3 min read
Obesity casts a big shadow
Rates of obesity are skyrocketing, and more comprehensive policies are needed to fully address the complex causes of the condition Audio:...

Jo Waters — United Kingdom
8 min read
Disease in disguise
As obesity reaches epidemic levels globally, experts are reflecting on the mixed results of policies implemented over the past decade and...

Jo Waters — United Kingdom
7 min read
Coronavirus could spur reforms to improve health of city dwellers
The number of people living in cities is projected to rise from 55 % to 68 % of the world’s population by 2050, according to the United...
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